Medialon Manager V5 is a Windows® based control software.
Its legendary ease of programming and reliability has made it widely used in simple as well as critical control applications such as: Museum media control, Theme Parks and Attractions show control, Architectural video & lighting control, Convention Centers audio & video remote control, etc.
Medialon Manager can control any audiovisual equipment using any protocol and network. Being software based it integrates perfectly with IT opening a wide range of new applications. Control of audio & video streaming, links to databases, media management, and facility wide control are not dreams anymore.
Thanks to its easy graphical programming environment, application are programmed in much less time than with any other conventional control system, neither coding nor compilation is required.
Its native synchronization capabilities and its legendary Timeline with drag and drop programming makes it the ideal choice for Show Control Applications. However, complex logical task programming is also available.
APPLICATIONS / Medialon Manager V5 is the ideal solution for control applications such as: Museum media control, Theme Parks and Attractions Show Control, Architectural video & Lighting control, Convention Centers audio & video remote control, etc.
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