
Available from GAM PRODUCTS Inc.
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GamColor, deep dyed polyester color, is a superior color filter medium for use with all types of lights. Because it is deep dyed, the color will not scratch off the surface and is optically clear. The clear polyester base is highly resistant to tears, punctures, cracking and deterioration in high heat applications. The dyes used to produce GamColor are the most stable and heat resistant available. The chemical process ensures that the colors will be clean and clear with excellent transmission and consistency. GamColor quality control includes constant monitoring, from raw material to finished product.

The GamColor system divides the visible spectrum into nine color sections convenient to the lighting designer. It is a circular classification of colors by hue, referencing the primaries, secondaries and important subdivisions. The GamColor swatchbook is arranged according to this system, making it easy to locate any color in a logical manner. As new colors are added, they will be numbered and positioned properly on the wheel and in the swatchbook.

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